Join us July 21st at The Bourbon Room in LA for a photo exhibit celebrating the 35th Anniversary of the release of Appetite for Destruction!

[Preview] Episode #5: Bassist Steve Darrow talks about his time in the New Hollywood Rose

Steve Darrow is known as the musician who flew closest to the sun in terms of being a part of the Appetite linup. In 1983, Steve Darrow entered into the incestuous, revolving door of bands and musicians when he responded to a classified ad Izzy had placed in the Recycler looking for musicians who li

Sneak peek from the 1st episode in the #GunsNRoses and the Making of #AppetiteforDestruction visual podcast series. Subscribe to the full series on Patreon

Steve Darrow is known as the musician who flew closest to the sun in terms of being a part of the Appetite linup. In 1983, Steve Darrow entered into the incestuous, revolving door of bands and musicians when he responded to a classified ad Izzy had placed in the Recycler looking for musicians who liked Glam, Metal and Motley Crüe. Izzy, Axl and Steve bonded over Hanoi Rocks and Aerosmith. Eventually, Steve was recruited into the New Hollywood Rose, a lineup that included every member of the Appetite lineup except for Duff.